UCC Library
Space Master Plan

A Library with People at the Centre

Library Users desire spaces where they can gather, where they can learn, where they can live and play. The library of the future is equipped to empower people towards knowledge. Through technology-rich amenities, organised cultural and exhibit spaces, and a mixed-use approach to learning that incorporates everything from entrepreneurship and makerspaces to flipped classrooms and Energy pods, library services will meet people where they are. The library will allow our users transform themselves into the many iterations of the imagination.

Download the Plan

Setting out the requirements for library space development and refurbishment for the next decade.

Over the next decade , UCC library needs to be revitalised , refurbished & reimagined to stay current and meet the changing needs of the University community

Continuous development ensures UCC Library is a contemporary multi-media library,information and knowledge management system.

It is a competence centre for all questions concerning information and media literacy,media provisioning and brokerage,and provides information searches using modern technology.

It is a meeting place of minds that stimulates creation,knowledge and creativity.

Learn More


About the Master Plan

Read the Goals of this plan
& learn more about the four phases and the Feasibility Study.




We want to engage with all everyone
& your feedback will help us to move onto the next phase.


Feed Back

Your feedback on the draft UCC Library Space Master Plan is vital, so that we can continue to shape the overall space master plan. The Library is currently engaged in a number of consultation townhall sessions with the entire University community.

Frequently Asked Questions

View some of the frequently asked questions and comments we’ve heard from the UCC Community.


Events & Engagement

View a recording of the Townhall held on 31 January 2020 in the Library Creative Zone.



Submit your feedback on the UCC Library Space Master Plan